One punch man workout: 30 Days Ultimate Muscle Building Formula

Health Salubrity
19 min readJul 31, 2021


The One Punch Man workout is a popular choice for manga lovers and fitness enthusiasts.

This workout is based on the Japanese superhero series “One-Punch Man,” created by the pseudonymous manga creator. Fans love it, partly because of online influencers who attempt to keep the Saitama workout routine alive for as long as possible.

This article will cover the information you should know regarding the One Punch Man workout. Its origin, structure, and benefits are all covered.

The One Punch Man Workout Routine

Continue this seven days per week. That’s all!

What is the One Punch Man Workout?

The One Punch Man workout is based on the manga and the subsequent anime series.

The series centers around Saitama, a fictional superhero known as the One Punch Man. Saitama can beat any enemy with one punch and is extremely strong. He is a critical figure in the ongoing struggle between superheroes and monsters.

Saitama claims that he has gained strength through the One Punch Man workout. It consists of 100 sit-ups and 100 pushups as well as 100 squats. The run is 6.2 miles (10 km).

After three years of exercise, Saitama sheds his hair. It develops his one-punch knockout ability, which eventually allows him to defeat the monsters.

The One Punch Man was thus born.

The manga series of a similar name inspired the One Punch Man workout. The main character can defeat any opponent by punching one punch by following the daily workout for three years.

The One Punch Man Workout has many benefits:

  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • It’s great fun
  • It’s straightforward to follow
  • Muscular Endurance
  • You don’t need any equipment!

Cons of the One Punch Man Workout

  • It is not the best for muscle growth.
  • It doesn’t produce a lot of force (raw strength for heavy loads)

Here’s a sample of a One Punch Man Workout

These are the tutorials for the moves and other variations that build up to them:

  • Monday: 5×5 Pushups, 5×10 Sit Ups, 5×5 Squats
  • Wednesday: 5×6 Push-ups, 5×11 Sit-ups, 5×6 Squats
  • Friday: 5×7 Pushups, 5×12 Sit-Ups, and 5×7 Squats
  • Monday: Friday: 5×8 Pushups, 5×13 Sit-Ups, and 5×8 Squats
  • Wednesday: 5×9 Push-ups, 5×14 Sit-ups, 5×9 Squats
  • Friday: Friday: 5×10 Pushups, 5×15 Sit-Ups, and 5×10 Squats
  • Monday: 7×6 Pushups, 7×10 Sit Ups, 7×8 Squats
  • Wednesday: 7×7 Push-ups, 7×11 Sit-ups, 7×9 Squats
  • Friday: 7×8 Pushups, 7×12 Sit Ups, 7×10 Squats

In the beginning stages, it is crucial to keep to sets of 5–7. You can increase your reps by one per set until your progress stops (meaning you have reached a plateau).

Next, add more sets of lower reps. If you cannot hit 5×10 (10 reps per set, 50 total), the next day, try 7×7 (7 reps per set, 49 total). You can do the same thing, but your reps will be more consistent.

If you can do 5×10, you could try 5×11 for your next workout. Does that make sense? Use 5-sets for your benchmark. You can also replace your workout day with a “test” day whenever you feel like it. It means that you’ll do your best to complete 100 exercises.

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What is One Punch Man?

Many people are not anime or manga fans. Not everyone knows about One Punch Man or the origins of the One Punch Man workout. It is easy to imagine how popular this anime must be to get people to do this workout.

One Punch Man is an excellent and popular anime based on a 22-year-old boy named Saitama.

Saitama dreams of becoming a superhero. On his way back from an unsuccessful job interview, he encounters Crablante, a villain.

Crablante is a villain that becomes a monster by eating too many carbs. Saitama defeats Crablante, saving a boy who was trying to become a superhero.

Saitama’s superhero dreams are being thwarted by his inability to be strong. Saitama begins a three-year intensive workout program.

He started to follow his workout program every single day for those three years. Calling the workout frequency is even an understatement.

By the time Saitama is thru with his , he loses all his hair and is completely bald. Imagine how intense it must be to get rid of all your hair. It’s a good thing that the intensity of the exercise pays off.

After a 3-year training program, Saitama is so strong that he can defeat villains or monsters with one punch. It is why the show’s name is “One Punch Man.”

The anime is fictional. The workout promises increased strength and muscle mass.

Saitama’s Story

Unemployed Japanese man at 22 who dreams of becoming a superhero.

He knew he needed to be more vital to be a superman. It could only be achieved through a rigorous Saitama training program.

After being rejected for a job interview, he met Crablante, a Mysterious Being transformed into a humanoid-sized crab after consuming too many crabs and undergoing metamorphosis.

Crablante was about forcibly eating someone, but Saitama saved him. After a battle, Saitama takes out the eye of Crablante and his tie to defeat the crabman. It inspires Saitama, who is motivated to pursue his dream of becoming a superhero.

The Saitama Workout was born.

Saitama, however, has a darker side.

Saitama, despite being the strongest man in the world, was miserable. He could beat an enemy with just one punch. He was unafraid of anyone punch man challenge, making his life emptier and less fulfilling.

How Saitama became the most powerful man in Japan?

Saitama worked out for three years, and he became the world’s most powerful man.

He worked out every day. He lost his hair after one and a quarter years.

But he didn’t let that stop him. He was now a superhero.

How to do the One Punch Man exercise

The One Punch Man workout is effortless, at least in theory. Perform 100 pushups, sit-ups, and bodyweight exercises every day.

Here are the details for each bodyweight movement.

Situps, a classic core exercise for body weight, primarily train your abdominal muscles as well as hip flexors.

Procedure are possible:

  1. Place your hands on the ground and lie on your back.
  2. Cross your arms across your chest or place your hands behind your head. Do not pull your head back or press your chin against your .
  3. After settling into a comfortable position, raise your legs until your chest touches your thighs.
  4. Slowly return to the original position.
  5. Repeat the workout gradually as many times as you want — this is 100 repetitions.

Pushups, a bodyweight exercise, engage your chest, shoulders, and core.

To perform pushups:

  1. Start in a straight-arm plank with your back flat, hands directly below your .
  2. Slowly lower your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows.
  3. Press your hands upwards until you reach approximately 1 inch (22.5 cm) above floor level.
  4. Keep your core engaged throughout the motion to keep your hips from sliding toward the ground.
  5. For this exercise, repeat the following steps: 100 repetitions for the target.

The bodyweight squat is a lower-body exercise that targets your glutes, quadriceps, and some activation of your calves.

To perform bodyweight squats:

  1. Erect with your feet about hip-width apart, keep your pointed out between 5–12 degrees.
  2. To initiate the lowering phase, move your hips backward.
  3. As you naturally bend your knees, lower your hips.
  4. Keep your weight in the middle of your feet. Your spine should be straight and your back upright. Make sure your knees point in the same direction as your toes.
  5. Keep lowering your knees as low as possible. Your thighs need to be parallel to the ground.
  6. Push your feet forward to get back at the top.
  7. For the final 100 reps, repeat this exercise.

It all comes together.

You will need to do 100 repetitions of each movement using the proper technique. Then, you will need to run 6.2 miles (10 km) in the entire workout.

You should be done without rest. However, it may be necessary to take breaks between the 100 reps and practice exercises.

One Punch Man’s full workout consists of 100 pushups and sit-ups. The run is 6.2 miles (10 km). Proper technique is required for all reps.

The Diet: What should I eat for this workout?

Saitama had only one rule. Don’t skip breakfast. A banana in the morning is also acceptable. Your diet is what will determine your success.

It isn’t hard, and it is easy for you. To develop your hero strength, there are two main requirements:

  1. Protein should be at least.8g for every pound of bodyweight. You can do more or less, but you won’t likely need anymore.
  2. Increase your intake of vegetables to improve bowel movement, balance your body’s pH, and get vitamins and minerals. Include some vegetables in your protein intake.

The topic of diet is very controversial. There’re several books on the subject and millions of experts who will tell you what to do.

You can do whatsoever you like as long as you have enough protein. Then adjust as necessary. If you see results on any (meaning you feel better, stronger, do more reps, and feel less tired), then you can do what you want.

I recommend adding a scoop of protein powder to your if you are working out more than three days per week.

One Punch Man Workout Levels

As we have been saying, it is difficult to get up in the morning and do 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 km. One Punch Man levels are available.

As you evolve through the levels, you’ll be able to do more reps for each . There are some benefits to the One Punch Man workout. The One Punch Man workout levels offer a way to view the entire routine.

Easing into the exercise helps prevent damages. You start with what you can control and increase the levels as you become more familiar with the workout program.

Levels have the added benefit of allowing you to progress, which helps keep your body from stagnating. You will move from level 1 to level 2 and so forth until you reach the final level. Here are the One Punch Man workout levels.

· Level One

The participant must do ten push-ups and ten sit-ups in the first level. After that, they can run 1 km until they are comfortable with this level.

· Level 2

The second level requires participants to perform 20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups. They also need to run 2 km until they are comfortable with this level.

· Level Three

The participant must do the third level of push-ups and sit-ups. They also need to run 3 km until they are comfortable with this level.

· Level Four

The fourth level requires participants to perform 40 push-ups and 40 sit-ups. They also need to run 4 km until they become comfortable with this level.

· Level Five

The fifth level requires participants to perform 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups. They also need to run 5 km until they become comfortable with this level.

· Level Six

The sixth level requires participants to perform 60 push-ups and 60 sit-ups. They also need to run 6 km until they become comfortable with this level.

· Level Seven

The seventh level requires participants to perform 70 push-ups and 70 sit-ups. They also need to run 7 km until they become comfortable with this level.

· Level Eight

The eighth level requires participants to perform 80 push-ups and 80 sit-ups. They also need to run 8 km until they are comfortable with this level.

· Level Nine

The participant must do the ninth level of push-ups and sit-ups. They also need to run 9 km until they are comfortable with this level.

· Level Ten

It is the last level of, one punch man challenge. This level requires participants to perform 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups as well as run 10 km.

The One Punch Man Workout: Benefits

You’ll see enhancements in your cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength.

Bodyweight movement benefits

These are the research-backed benefits of doing the One Punch Man bodyweight movements:

  • Improved leg muscle thickness after squats
  • Improved quadriceps strength after squats
  • Pushups result in increased strength of the upper trunk and pectoral muscles.
  • Squats have a lower body fat percentage
  • You have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease when you do pushups better

Running benefits

Running is the last component of the One Punch Man exercise. Research has shown that running is an excellent way to improve your fitness.

These are the general benefits of running for fitness that has been proven by research:

  • All causes have a lower death rate
  • Decrease risk of death due to cardiovascular disease
  • Increased ability to use oxygen
  • Lower blood triglycerides
  • Lower resting heart rate
  • Reduced body fat and overall mass

The duration of is a significant factor in the benefits. Longer runs are associated with better health.

Running in the One Punch Man exercise and losing body weight can have various benefits for your health and fitness.

These are some of the numerous welfares that One Punch Man Workout offers and why you should try it.

Running can improve your cardiovascular health. Running increases blood flow to your lungs and your body. Your blood volume increases and more blood flows to your muscles.

Endurance training: A repetitive workout can help build endurance. Running can do to your heart. Strengthening your muscles by exercising can also help. Research has shown that endurance Saitama training is more effective when you do more repetitions.

It’s easy to follow: The workout has many health and physiological benefits. Each day, one workout program. A trainer will be more successful if he knows exactly what to expect.

No-gym workouts: These are very popular because of their many benefits and the freedom to do them wherever you want. No matter wherever you live, there is no excuse. You can do it any day.

Motivational and fun: A workout can be very motivating and enjoyable if you are up for the one punch man challenge every day. It will make you feel great when you complete your one punch man training every day.

Even if they call you crazy, you can proudly tell others about your workouts. It sounds crazy and can lead to injury, muscle soreness, and overtraining.

Muscles exercised in the One Punch Man workout.

Suppose you do the One Punch Man as it was originally written. In that case, you will be focusing your efforts on the following muscles:

  • Anterior deltoid: From doing pushups
  • Calves: Starting running
  • Do pushups to strengthen your triceps
  • From doing sit-ups to rectus abdominis
  • From doing sit-ups to rectus femoris
  • Gluteus maximus: From running and squatting to gluteus maximus
  • Pectoralis major & minor: From doing pushups
  • psoas: Starting to do sit-ups
  • Quadriceps: From running and squatting to quadriceps
  • Running hamstrings

The One Punch Man exercise, as described, strengthens many muscles in your upper body and lower body.

The One Punch Man’s Risks

Some benefits can be attributed to One Punch Man’s exercises, but there are risks.

Excessive exercise volume

Excessive volume is the first problem.

It will be hard to perform many repetitions if you are not in good physical condition. You would not be able to do every rep if you don’t have any experience with calisthenics.

Poor technique in movements such as pushups or squats can cause undue strain on your joints, leading to both acute and chronic injuries.

Running 6.2 miles (10km) is a long distance.

You might run that distance, but you risk injury because your muscles and joints aren’t prepared for it.

Frequency excessive

You are encouraged to do the workouts every day, despite the volume.

It is improbable that you will be able to go from being deconditioned to doing this workout every day without sustaining an injury or an inferior technique injury.

No matter your exercise routine, it is always a good idea to take a few days off each week.

Ineffective core training

Situps are not the best way to strengthen your core, according to the latest research.

A large amount of research supports the recommendation that strength and conditioning professionals concentrate on multijoint compound exercises to maximize functional core training.

A recent study on core training’s benefits found that various exercises, not just sit-ups, were used to increase functional core strength and trunk stability. Core training is aimed at improving trunk stability.

According to the study, the core can be trained using many movements that target all musculature. The lone way to train the core is through the use of sit-ups.

Sitting ups are safe for most people, but research shows that they can worsen or cause low back pain in some individuals. It means that this exercise, especially 100 repetitions, is not suitable for everyone.

One Punch Man is a high-intensity workout that encourages beginners to exercise. It can lead to injury from poor technique or overuse. Situps are not recommended for people with low back pain.

Is the One Punch Man exercise a balanced workout?

The original One Punch Man workout can be challenging, but it is still a great exercise Saitama workout routine.

Missing movement patterns

The problem is that it only covers a small portion of the movements required for a complete fitness program.

  • Horizontal pushing: Starting with pushups
  • Running: From running, lunge/gait/running
  • Squat: Starting from your bodyweight

These movement patterns are not considered:

  • Horizontal pulling: As in dumbbells or seated cable rows
  • Loaded carrying: As in a farmer’s carry
  • Overhead pressing: As in a dumbbell or overhead barbell, press
  • Vertical pulling: As in chin-ups and

Athletic components missing

One punch man training different resistance levels and speeds are also not part of the One Punch Man exercise.

Suppose you can complete the One Punch Man workout. In that case, your primary training will be bodyweight exercises for muscular endurance and running for aerobic endurance.

These components of athletics are not used due to limited movement speeds, exercise types, and external resistance.

  • Balance
  • explosive power
  • Flexibility and changing of direction
  • Maximum strength
  • Mobility
  • Sprinting

While aerobic endurance and muscular endurance are good things to improve upon, they do not make up the entirety of your athletic abilities.

Because of a lack of comprehensive athletic training and neglected movement patterns, the One Punch Man workout does not provide a balanced workout.

Is the One Punch Man exercise good for your punching power?

The One Punch Man exercise is based on the central claim that it gave Saitama power to defeat opponents by just one punch.

Although this is a fictional account, you may be curious if the exercise increases your punching power.

It all depends.

Punching refers to striking with a closed fist. Punching is a movement that involves rotation, the explosion from your feet, hips, and shoulders, which then transfers into the forceful impact you make on a target.

Proper coordination between all muscles is more important than anyone muscle for a punch that’s powerful. If you have an excellent punching technique, strengthening your muscles could increase the power of your punch.

Nevertheless, if you don’t have a proper punching technique, more strength won’t significantly increase the power of your punch.

Boxing is a great way to build a punch. You can do more than just running and bodyweight movements.

Boxers, kickboxers, and MMA fighters may include various running and sit-ups into their training programs. However, their ability to punch hard is determined by their actual martial art.

One Punch Man is not enough to improve punching power by itself. However, if you have a strong punching technique, the One Punch Man workout may benefit you.

Do you want to try the One Punch Man exercise?

You may find it more challenging to work out than a routine.

It is a challenge.

You will see some benefits in your physical health by completing the entire Saitama workout routine.

The workout is not optimal for long-term progress, true strength, athletic ability, punching power, or other physical abilities.

However, it’s OK to set a goal to complete the One Punch Man workout. It’s better to think of it as a challenge, like running a marathon or participating in a sporting event, than a long-term training program.

How do you get started?

You can start by doing a small portion of the One Punch Man training program and then build-up to the entire workout.

Start with 10–20% volume and gradually increase your one punch man training program. You could do ten repetitions of push ups and sit-ups. Then, run 0.62-miles (1-km).

You can add five reps or 0.3 miles (0.5km) to your workout, depending on how you feel.

Remember that it is better to perform fewer reps while maintaining proper form to prevent injury to your body than to push too hard and possibly hurt yourself.

Consider taking 2–3 rest days each week and mixing up your training program every few weeks.

If sit-ups are causing or worsening low back pain, you can switch to another core exercise like bird dogs or just skip them.

This workout should be viewed as a challenge, not a complete fitness program. If you aren’t in excellent physical condition, it may be challenging to do daily exercise. Begin slowly and focus on the correct technique. Rest days are necessary.

The One Punch Man Workout and Nutrition

Your diet is also an essential aspect of your workout. Your diet is just as important as exercise. If you’re practicing to build muscle, you need to eat enough protein.

It means that you should eat eggs, salmon, nuts, and chicken. One Punch Man did not specify the foods he ate to match his workout, so be creative or seek a nutritionist.

It is essential to be as nutritionally conscious as you are physical. If you consume large quantities of calories each day, it’s even more important to pay attention to your diet.

If you don’t water your plants and your house plants, your muscles will have difficulty recovering. Your muscles are 1000% essential to your health. Also, keeping a plant alive can benefit your mental well-being: the same practice but different application.

One Punch Man Workout Results

We need to see the one punch man workout results of people who have completed the One Punch Man challenge, not just Saitama.

Sean Seah is an excellent example. Sean Seah was 38 when he took up the one punch man challenge. After noticing that he’d gained weight during the Lunar New Year, he tried the workout.

He set himself a challenge to lose the most fat and build muscle at the same. Sean avoided sugar, fried foods, and carbs that could prevent him from achieving his goal. To achieve his goal, he used the One Punch Man exercise program. The workout was followed for 30 days.

Sean decided not to start at the most challenging level and instead began the workout at level 5. He was able to take his time before facing the boss at level 10.

Sean lost 5 kg, his body age was reduced to 36, and his visceral fat was decreased to 8.5 after the One Punch Man workout challenge.

The One Punch Man workout works if you’re smart about it. You should take it slowly when you start this challenge. It is okay to start at level 1 and work your way up to level 10.

Ensure you’re doing all the exercises correctly in the One Punch Man workout program. You’ll reap the rewards of the exercise program if you do them correctly. Incorrect forms of exercise can lead to injuries.

How can One Punch Man Workout help you become strong?

You don’t need a workout to be able to take down anyone.

The Saitama Workout is a bit more challenging than other workouts, but that’s not the point. The workout does not have rest days, has high reps, and is the same every day.

The overload and specificity principle of exercise physiology does support working the same muscle every day. Research has shown working compound workouts are more effective if done more often.

One punch man training more often will result in a faster increase in oxidative capacity and mitochondrial activity.

You should not use heat or air conditioners during the summer.

Regular exercise training can help the body adapt to its environment. It requires a lot of sacrifices and diligence.

Extremely agile athletes do intense workouts like these — working larger muscle groups each day. It includes boxers, MMA fighters, and calisthenics masters.

It isn’t difficult to do 100 reps or run 10 km, however, a challenging workout for beginners.

No matter your fitness goals, the Saitama Workout can help you reach your highest level of fitness.

This Guy Changed His Body in 30 days using a Variation of the One Punch Man Workout.

Jimmy Zhang tried 100 sit-ups and 100 pushups every day. He also ran 10km every single day, just as the anime hero.

Jimmy Zhang, a Youtuber, is the latest to attempt the One Punch Man workout. It’s a program inspired by anime.

Saitama gains superhuman strength through a strict daily Saitama workout routine of 100 pushups and 100 sit-ups and 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run.

Zhang will see one punch man workout results after only 30 days of training like Saitama. What’s more, is Zhang up for the physical challenge?

Zhang begins by running 1 mile on the first day. Then he runs 2 miles the second day. Zhang continues to run until he reaches a total distance of 6.2 miles / 10km. After just two weeks, however, Zhang is in too much pain to keep running.

He says, “Every time that I land, it feels as if there is a lot more pressure on my right leg.” “At 3 miles, my right leg feels like it’s swelling.” “I think I may have fooled myself by running 6 miles every day, even though I had no running experience.”

He also mixes up his bodyweight exercises by doing clap pushups and diamond cutter variations. Zhang’s endurance increased so much that he began doing 200 sit-ups in four sets of 50 every day.

Zhang is proud to report that he has gained muscle and definition in his abdomen during the month-long, one punch man challenge.

However, he also acknowledged the he had to endure. He says that he is not afraid to exercise but that he doesn’t want to kill himself doing the challenge.


One Punch Man is a comic that inspires many to be superheroes.

We haven’t yet seen any real-life examples of this workout, and no one seems to have done it religiously.

This workout is easy to do and not complicated. Many athletes and mixed martial arts practitioners train more intensely.

Scientists and similar workouts have proven their benefits. The Saitama Workout has become a reality. We should all try it.

We want to see your thoughts on the One Punch Man Workout in the comments section.


One Punch Man is a great way to get started with your fitness and health goals. You will get a complete-body workout that targets both your cardio and your muscle growth.

You should not train for hours without taking a break. Also, don’t forget to adjust the way you do the exercises. It will prevent you from stagnating in your growth and ensure that you are not focusing too much on the muscles essential for strength and mobility.

One Punch Man is an intense workout inspired by Japanese manga and anime.

It involves 100 pushups and sit-ups. Then, you run 6.2 miles (10 km). The fictional character Saitama did this routine for three years. Eventually, it developed the strength to defeat any opponent by using one punch.

The Saitama workout routine is challenging, and it trains many muscles. However, it is not the best workout.

It is not suitable for beginners. The volume of the program is too high, and there are limited movements and other athletic components that make it challenging to develop long-term fitness.

You won’t significantly improve your punch power if you don’t have any Saitama training in boxing or kickboxing.

However, if you are a fan or looking for a challenge, the One Punch Man complete program can be done. Just make sure to take it slow and work your way up.

If you are serious about your fitness, then anyone program must be replaced with another.


This article is for informational purposes only. It does not address specific circumstances.

This article is not envisioned to replace professional advice and help. It ought to not be relied upon for any decision. You are solely responsible for any actions you take based on the information in this article.

Originally published at on July 31, 2021.


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Health Salubrity
Health Salubrity

Written by Health Salubrity


Health Salubrity covers all aspects of physical and psychological Well Being openly and because we are here for the entire person — to your whole life.

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