Beard Dandruff: How to get rid of beard dandruff? [Instantly]

Health Salubrity
17 min readSep 6, 2021

You can also get dry, brittle hair on your scalp. Your face may not be affected by skin problems until you start growing a beard. Dandruff is a sign of dandruff. What can you do to treat dandruff?

What is beard dandruff, and how does it work?

Dandruff is a common situation that tends to affect the scalp. Itchy, red skin is a common side effect. You may notice flakes of hair in your scalp if you have scalp dandruff. Seborrheic Dermatitis is also known as scalp dandruff.

The exact same thing can happen to facial hair, causing white flakes and itching in your beard. Continue reading to find out more about beard dandruff and how to get rid of it.

It is what causes it?

Malassezia globalisa is a microbe that can be found on the skin of almost everyone. It is a type of fungus that thrives in oily areas with lots of sebaceous cells, such as your scalp.

The fungus helps to break down this oil. Oleic acid is left behind, which can irritate some skin. You may also find more M.globosa microbes if your skin is naturally oily, which can lead to higher levels of oleic acids.

Some skin cells also have a higher rate of turnover. It is how frequently your skin cells renew themselves. A cell turnover cycle generally takes around 30 days. If the process is too fast, it can cause an accumulation of skin cells.

You may have dry skin if you have flakes in your beard without any red or irritated skin underneath. Other cases include a buildup in oils and skin cells if you don’t wash your beard enough.

No matter what the cause of your beard dandruff is, you may notice it getting worse in cold and dry climates than it does in hot, humid environments.

How to get rid of beard dandruff?

To avoid or cure beard dandruff, you need to devise a plan to remove old skin cells and control oil so new flakes don’t form. It involves regular exfoliation, washing, moisturizing, and a combination. This doesn’t matter what routine you use or the products you use. It might take some weeks before you see results.


Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells. You want one with soft bristles. It will make your beard’s hair more accessible and more manageable.

Use the brush to massage your beard gently. Be careful not to scrub your beard too much. Dandruff in beard can get worse if you do this.

Wash your beard as you would your hair. The same shampoo can be used on your hair. You might prefer a medicated shampoo that treats dandruff. These ingredients will fight dandruff in shampoos:

Massage the shampoo into your hair. Be sure that the shampoo reaches the skin beneath. Let it sit for a few minutes before you rinse it off. Don’t use warm water as it can dry out your skin and cause further irritation.

Be aware that shampoos made for the scalp can be too harsh on your skin, mainly if your skin is sensitive or dry. If shampoo feels too dry, you can try a cleanser designed specifically for beards.


For removing dandruff, moisturizing your beard can help. After shampooing, moisturizing can rehydrate and protect the skin.

The lotion is probably the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of moisturizing. It can be challenging to apply the cream to your beard without leaving behind a lot of residues. Beard oil is a better option.

You might consider a non-comedogenic oil if you have sensitive skin like argan oil. It won’t clog pores and is more superficial than argan oil.

After cleansing:

  1. Apply your moisturizer.
  2. Use a few drops of oil to massage your skin.
  3. Start with just one or two drops to avoid buildup. If you feel that your beard is not complete, you can always add more.

What can I do to stop it from coming back?

After you have rid yourself of your beard dandruff, it is essential to continue with your skincare routine, particularly when it comes to moisturizing and washing. You should monitor the way your skin feels. Is it dry or tight? You can add a few drops more beard oil. Keep in mind that you may need to use a richer moisturizer during cold, dry weather.

You can reduce the frequency of shampooing if you have dandruff in beard under control.

Beard Dandruff

Seborrheic dermatitis is the most common cause of beard dandruff. You may feel like you don’t have proper hygiene. Malassezia yeast growth can cause dandruff.

The body’s reaction to yeast causes reddened skin that is scaly or flaky. Although you cannot cure the condition completely, it is possible to treat the symptoms.

Preventing Beard Dandruff

Select a shampoo

Many shampoos claim to cure dandruff. You should look for shampoos that contain 1% ketoconazole as an active ingredient.

Ketoconazole, an antifungal medication, kills yeast and fungus. It can be purchased over-the-counter. However, strong shampoos may require prescriptions from your doctor.

Shampoos containing selenium sulfide or pyrithionezin may be able to help with dandruff. You may need to experiment with different active ingredients until you find the most effective one for your skin.

Apply to your skin

Apply the shampoo to your beard for five minutes before you shower. Use the shampoo on dry skin without using any water. Massage the shampoo into your skin, below your beard.

After you have finished showering, wash your skin well. You can, if you wish, apply the shampoo again, but it is not required. Rinse your beard well to remove any shampoo residue.

Use the shampoo as often as necessary. Many doctors discovered that the shampoo did not cause skin problems to disappear, but they returned after discontinuing use. You may be able to use the shampoo less frequently once you have your skin under control.

Additional Considerations

Understand seborrheic dermatitis. You may wonder if your beard feels itchy or if you have dandruff. Seborrheic Dermatitis can be identified by:

  • Skin flakes are also known as dandruff.
  • There are patches of greasy skin
  • White or yellow crusts or scales
  • Red skin that doesn’t fade
  • Itching that persists

In case you experience any of the following symptoms, it is essential to see your doctor right away.

  • You may experience a loss of sleep or difficulty functioning generally due to your symptoms.
  • You are experiencing signs of infection in your skin.
  • Your symptoms will not improve with beard dandruff home remedies or over-the-counter shampoos.
  • You will feel embarrassed or anxious because of dandruff, scales, and other apparent signs.

Avoid petroleum jelly

Many people believe that the scales and flakes associated with dandruff in beard need to be moisturized. However, this is incorrect. Although petroleum jelly is a popular option, it can make your beard dandruff more severe.

Keep your beard healthy.

You don’t have to stop shampooing your beard every day. Keep your skin and beard clean to prevent beard dandruff.

  • It will grow. A beard takes time. Don’t lose heart if you are still in the beginning stages of developing a beard. Your razor and clippers should be put away so your beard can grow naturally.
  • Make sure you moisturize. Discuss your skin conditions with your doctor and find a moisturizer that doesn’t irritate your beard. You could have beard breakouts that can worsen your dandruff.
  • Sleep enough. Although it may seem silly, your body works best when you get enough sleep. It applies to your beard. Your overall health will improve if you get enough sleep.
  • . A well-balanced diet should include nutrient-dense foods.

Beard benefits

It’s essential to maintain a healthy beard. Do you need motivation? You don’t need a beard for fun. Your beard has health benefits. A beard will make it less likely that you get sunburnt.

Beards can also help you stay warm in winter. A beard protects your face and neck. A beard can help keep your skin healthy since cold weather can dry out your skin.


Two leading causes of beard dandruff are dry skin and fungal infection. Dry skin is usually caused by harsh soaps or cleansers on the skin underneath the beard. While these products can clean your beard and skin beneath, they can also strip oils from your skin and beard that keep it moisturized and supple. The environment can also cause beardruff. Extreme cold and extreme heat are both drying environments. It’s almost impossible to avoid dry, flaky skin. It is something that all people experience.

Fungal infections are less common but still very important. Fungal infections occur when the sunlight is blocked from yeast on your skin. While sunlight usually slows or kills fungal growth in general, if a beard blocks the sun, the fungus can grow and cause the skin to flake and dry.

What can I do to get rid of it?

Beardruff can be easily treated. If you’ve severe symptoms, see a doctor.

1. Use a beard shampoo.

Beardruff prevention starts with keeping your skin and beard clean. Use a gentle cleanser to scrub the skin beneath your beard gently. Exfoliation is a crucial step in getting rid of the extra skin cells that can lead to beardruff. Learn how to stop beard dandruff properly.

Water temperature is another factor to be considered. Hot water can dry out your skin, even though we all love a hot shower. To increase your beard game, turn the heat down a little.

2. Hydrate or die, er, itch

Dry skin is the leading cause of beard dandruff. It’s crucial to moisturize the skin under your beard. It’ll protect your skin from drying out and shedding flakes. Although most men recommend using beard oil for their skin, we prefer a facial moisturizer specifically designed for men with facial hair. While beard oils can be wonderful, special moisturizers are better for hair and skin.

3. Groom (everyone does it).

After you have cleaned your face and been hydrated, you can brush or comb the beard. It will distribute your beard’s natural oils and help remove any skin cells.

It’s time to establish a routine.

Men should be proud of their appearance and health. Here are some simple steps to maintain your skin and beard healthy and keep beardruff at bay.

  1. Rinse your beard and wash your face daily. Wash your beard with a beard washes twice a week or as needed.
  2. To remove dirt and other debris, use an exfoliant at least once per week. It will wash away dead skin cells and microorganisms, as well as encourage new cell growth.
  3. Use a dual-beard, facial moisturizer, or beard oil to hydrate your skin and beard.
  4. Be sure to brush your beard.
  5. Take control of your day.

How to stop beard dandruff: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE

This beard problem can be easily solved. These steps can be added to your routine for grooming your beard.

  • Take care of your beard.
  • Maintain your Beard
  • Properly dry your beard.
  • Make sure to brush your beard.
  • Beard oils, balms, and other products can be used.
  • See a Dermatologist if nothing seems to stop the flakes.


Although this seems obvious, it is vital to wash your beard regularly. However, you need to ensure that the product you use does not strip your skin’s natural oils. Your beard is not the same as your skin or hair. Regular shampoo and soap won’t do when you wash it. Beard facial hair is typically thicker than the hair on the head, so a Beard and Facial Wash (Cremo) is required. It would not strip your skin of its natural oils and won’t strip your hair.


Just like each other part of your body, your beard requires some care. Conditioning your beard with a product like our Beard and Scruff Softener will add much-needed moisture back into the skin and beard. It will help facial hair grow stronger and prevent it from drying out.


It’s not great thinking to leave your beard wet after taking a shower or going for a walk in the rain. It can dry out your beard and encourage fungal infections depending on the water’s pH level. When drying your beard with a towel, hairdryer, or other tools, it is crucial not to be too aggressive. High heat or drying too long can cause hair follicle damage and dryness. For blow-drying your beard, we recommend the lowest setting. To dry your beard vigorously, use a towel. It can cause damage to the follicle root. Be gentle and careful.


Brushing your beard with a Comb or Brush is a great way to feel good and prevent beardruff. Brushes are fabulous for exfoliating the skin and encouraging blood flow. You can also use your brush to determine how bad or great your beard dandruff is. Think of it as a beard detector. It’s a sign that your beard is not in good shape if you see many flakes when you brush.


Natural oils, such as those your skin makes, protect your skin from drying and act as an antimicrobial barrier. You can fight fungus and flaky skin by replacing any lost or damaged oils. Oils such as sunflower, jojoba, and coconut oil have been shown to restore moisture and prevent fungus growth. These oils are used in Cremo Beard Oil, Cremo Beard Balm, and Cremo Beard Balm.


If the above ideas fail to resolve your problem, you should consult a dermatologist. An underlying skin condition could cause dandruff.


Justin Bullock, Bolt’s Barbers, created the following routine.

1. To start your day off right, brush your beard every morning. Brushing your beard will exfoliate it, increase blood flow, and give shape to it so that you don’t appear like you just woke up.

2. Use a Beard and Face Wash specifically designed for facial hair. You should wash your beard no less than once a week.

3. Hydrate your beard. There are several ways to quench your thirst for beard oil. You can use conditioners in the shower like Cremo Beard or Scruff Softener. You can also use Beard Oil and Beard Balm every day to condition your beard. These products will not only provide moisture for your beard but also protect it from the elements.

How to treat beard dandruff

Men, mainly hipsters, are increasingly embracing beards. Perhaps you have a beard-worthy Paul Bunyan. You might notice pesky dandruff in beard flakes in your beautiful facial hairs. It is not clear what causes beard dandruff, but it is easy to treat. You can treat your beard dandruff by treating the underlying skin and encouraging healthy skin.

1. Treating Beard Dandruff

1. Use a medicated shampoo.

Your beard can respond to shampooing with anti-dandruff shampoos, just like your scalp.

There are many different opinions on anti-dandruff shampoos. Some people believe Selsun Blue or Head and Shoulders can be too harsh for sensitive skin.

  • You can do a patch test with a small area of skin that is not visible to others. Let your anti-dandruff soap sit for 5 minutes to see if it causes any reactions. You can continue using your product if you don’t react. You can try a specific beard shampoo or dandruff treatment if you have an allergic reaction. These are gentler than regular dandruff shampoos and are easier on the skin.
  • To remove any oil, wash your face with a gentle soap or baby shampoo before applying the medicated shampoo. Apply the medicated shampoo to your skin and beard and let it sit for at least five minutes. Make sure to rinse thoroughly. Dandruff can become worse if there is a buildup of residue. When you are done, comb your beard.

2. Deep condition your beard

Cold air can cause or exacerbate beard dandruff. It can cause your beard and skin to lose precious moisture and cause flakes in your beard. To keep your skin and beard moisturized, use a deep conditioner during the winter months.

  • You can use any deep conditioner that you want or choose a beard conditioner. You should look for ingredients that soothe and moisturize your skin and beard, such as great tea extracts, cotton, and willow bark extracts.
  • After shampooing your beard, apply the conditioner and let it sit for a while in the shower. To prevent any residue buildup and make your dandruff worse, rinse the conditioner well.

3. Use a beard brush

A beard brush is a great way to exfoliate the skin and remove tangles. You can find one at a hair salon or beauty supply store. To get rid of dandruff, brush your beard every day before you shower.

4. Use a beard oil

Good oil can make your beard shiny, soft, and smooth. It can also be used to treat or prevent beard dandruff. It is imperative if you live somewhere with a cold or dry climate. After shampooing with a medicated oil and deep conditioner, apply beard oil to relieve and cure beard dandruff.

  • You should look for oils made with grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, or coconut oil. You should read labels on products like rosemary, hempseed, or safflower oil if you suffer from itchiness, skin irritations, or sensitive skin.
  • Put a drop of oil on your mustache and beard.
  • To keep your beard and skin soft and moisturized, include beard oil in your daily skincare routine.

5. Do not touch your face.

If you don’t wash your hands often, your hands can be contaminated with bacteria and fungus. To prevent dandruff from your beard, you should not touch your face.

  • Don’t scratch your skin, as it can cause irritation and make dandruff in beard worse.
  • Please wash your hands after using the bathroom or when they get dirty. It will prevent accidental beard touches from becoming a problem.

6. Apply hydrocortisone

You may have itchy or red beards. Applying a hydrocortisone cream to red, itchy areas can reduce discomfort, prevent infection from spreading and rejuvenate the skin.

7. Get rid of your beard.

You can shave your beard to rid yourself of dandruff. It can improve your condition quickly. You can then grow your beard again once your skin has been rejuvenated. To prevent future beard dandruff, use good skincare.

2. Promote Healthy Skin under Your Beard

1. Keep your skin clean.

A lot of dirt and dust can be attracted to your beard. To get rid of oil and dirt, wash your face and beard at least twice daily. It will prevent them from clogging pores and causing dandruff.

  • Choose a mild cleanser or a facial wash that is specifically made for men with beards. You want products that not only clean but moisturize your beard.
  • When washing your beard hair, take care. Massage the cleansing effect into your hair. Use clean, lukewarm water to rinse your hair and beard.
  • Avoid washing your face and beard too often. While it is essential to clean your skin and beard, it is also vital not to overwash them. It could cause skin irritation, strip your skin of its oils, and beard dandruff.

2. Shower after activities

A beard can trap sweat, dirt, oil, and other substances. If you’re very active, you should take a shower afterward. It will keep bacteria from causing dandruff in beard and preserve the volume and softness of your beard.

  • After activities, use the same gentle cleanser that you use for your routine.
  • Patting your beard and skin with a soft towel will help dry your skin. Rubbing can spread bacteria and dirt that you haven’t washed off, which could irritate your skin.

3. Your beard should be combed.

Make sure you comb your beard every time you wash your face. It will exfoliate the skin and remove tangles.

4. Moisturize your skin and beard.

Moisturizing your skin daily is an integral part of keeping it healthy and free from flaky skin. You can prevent the skin under and around your beard from becoming dry and brittle, and it will also keep your hair looking luscious. You can use a general moisturizer on your face and beard oil to nourish your skin and beard.

  • Use a moisturizer that is specially created for your skin type to apply all over your face. Many products work for normal, combination, dry and oily skin types. Ask a dermatologist or other professional if you are not sure what your skin type is.
  • Beard oil with moisturizing components such as argan oil or tea tree oil should be purchased. Apply the product to your beard and the skin underneath.
  • Make your moisturizer by adding one tablespoon (15ml) coconut oil, lemon juice, one teaspoon (4.9 ml), and some drops of tea tree oil. Apply the ingredients to your skin, and let it sit for at least one night. It can be done up to 3 times per week.

5. Exfoliate your skin regularly.

Beard dandruff can be caused by excess or dead skin. Weekly exfoliation can help remove dead or built-up skin and prevent beard dandruff.

  • Use a gentle exfoliator that is made of natural or synthetic beads with a uniform shape. For a few seconds, gently massage the beads into your skin. To avoid any itchy or flaky residue, rinse the exfoliator thoroughly with warm water.
  • If you don’t have an exfoliator or don’t want one, you can use a soft and damp washcloth to wipe your skin. You can gently and naturally exfoliate your skin with this method.

6. Let your skin breathe.

Warm and moistened garments like balaclavas or hats can be kept in check by balaclavas. It can encourage beard dandruff. To keep your skin supple and moisturized, wear loose-fitting clothing and keep your beard looking great. Use natural fiber bedding.

  • Wear moisture-wicking hats and helmets during winter, especially in the colder months. These can help keep your skin dry and prevent you from getting beard dandruff.
  • You should sleep on bedding made of cotton or other smooth, natural fabrics. It will prevent skin irritation that can lead to beard dandruff. Be sure to wash all bedding and clothing that comes in direct contact with your skin. To remove oil, dirt, and bacteria from your skin, use a mild detergent.

3. Select a shampoo Make Your Own Beard Oil

1. Select an essential oil.

A mixture of vital oils and carrier oils is the most common ingredient in commercial beard oils. Pure essential oils are extracted from the leaves, flowers, barks, stems, roots, and other plant parts. These oils can be used to treat beard dandruff and keep your hair soft and supple. You can use one of these vital oils to treat your beard dandruff or other skin conditions.

2. Choose a carrier oil.

Essential oils can be very concentrated and can cause skin irritation if not dilute. Grapeseed oil or Jojoba can be used to dilute essential oils and give your skin extra moisture. You can use the following carrier oils to moisturize your skin and dilute essential oils:

3. Make sure to mix your beard oil.

Mixing essential oils and carrier oils can be done daily. You can also make your beard oil using an amber bottle. An amber bottle containing 1 ounce will protect your skin from the sun and other harmful rays. Mixing essential oils with carrier oils can help you create a blend that meets your skin’s needs and smells nice.

  • To make a mixture of essential oils, add 1-ounce carrier oil and 10–15 drops of essential oil. To combine the oils, gently swirl them together.
  • Mixing essential oils with carrier oils can create your blend. You could combine one ounce of carrier oil with eight drops of patchouli oil, four drops of bergamot oils, two drops of lavender oil, and one drop each of black pepper oil. You can also try 1/2 ounce argan oil with 1/4 oil jojoba oils, 1/4 ounce sweet almond oils, 7 drops lavender oil, and 5 drops rosemary oil.

4. Do a patch test.

After mixing your oil, test it on a small area to make sure you don’t have any adverse reactions. Let it sit for five minutes so that the oil isn’t visible to others. You can continue using your beard oil every day if you do not react.

5. Make sure to use your beard oil.

If you wish, massage 5–7 drops of your beard oil onto your skin and beard hair each day. It will help to reduce beard dandruff and other skin problems.


It’s a common problem that beard dandruff can cause, but it is easy to fix with a simple routine. No matter whatever you do, be sure to pay attention to your skin and hair.

Talk to your doctor if you don’t see any improvement in a few weeks. A prescription antifungal shampoo may be necessary. You can prevent dandruff in beard from returning by following your routine.

Originally published at on September 6, 2021.



Health Salubrity

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